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Healthcare Recruiting Tips & Employer Resources RSS Feed

Crafting Engaging Job Posts for Specialty Job Boards

writing compelling job posts to recruit more providers

Attracting top talent in today’s healthcare market demands a comprehensive approach. By crafting compelling job postings and leveraging specialty job boards, you can effectively reach and engage candidates aligned with your organization’s values and goals.

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Benefits Healthcare Employers Can Offer Other Than Higher Pay


Attracting and retaining top talent goes beyond just higher wages in the dynamic industry of healthcare. This article explores key strategies and resources for creating an appealing benefits plan that resonates with healthcare professionals.

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Top 10 Blogs of 2023

top 10 articles of 2023

For 11 years HospitalRecruiting has been a professional resource for healthcare job seekers and employers alike. Here are our top-performing articles of 2023.

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Recruiting in a Competitive Labor Market: Strategies for Healthcare Employers

strategies for healthcare employers

As demand for healthcare services increases, employers must strategize to approach the complex world of healthcare recruitment. Here are a few multi-faceted strategies for recruitment professionals to address the tight labor market and attract top talent.

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How Transparency in Job Postings Improves Recruiting Outcomes

how transparency leads to better recruitment outcomes

Transparency in job postings is crucial for attracting quality candidates in the healthcare job market. Providing clear details about work schedules, pay, job responsibilities, and benefits fosters trust and generates more applicants. For better recruitment outcomes, here are a few things to consider when making your next job post.

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Is Impersonal Recruitment Stalling Your Hiring Efforts?


In today’s talent shortage, recruiters should focus on personalizing the hiring process to attract top candidates. This includes making it easier to apply, utilizing text communication, maintaining personal connections, and following up with candidates even if they’ve chosen another offer.

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How to Drive Candidate Engagement with High Quality Job Posts

candidate engagement job posts

Hiring is candidate-centric in today’s challenging market, so your job advertisements have to be engaging to compete. Getting applications from job seekers means evaluating your job posts from a candidate point of view: what is attracting talent, and what’s turning them away?

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How the best Healthcare Recruiters are Overcoming Staffing Shortages

ADDRESSING STAFFING SHORTAGES for recruiters, recruiting, staff, talent acquisition

Sourcing talent has never been tougher for healthcare recruiters, and staffing shortages will continue into the foreseeable future. Recruitment professionals who can offer support and options for both skilled and unskilled workers may be better able to maintain their staff and quality of patient care.

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Is Social Media an Effective Healthcare Recruitment Tool?

is social media a useful tool for recruitment? recruiting, recruiter, linkedin, facebook, twitter

The reach of social media cannot be underestimated and it important for healthcare recruiters to have a presence on all the major platforms. Social media marketing allows healthcare facilities to both target a specific audience, or cast a wide net. Here are a few other benefits of social media recruiting you may have overlooked.

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Top 10 Healthcare Career Resources Articles of 2022

top healthcare career resource blog articles of 2022 recap

Here is a list of the top-performing and most informative healthcare career resource articles published by HospitalRecruiting in 2022. For over a decade, HospitalRecruiting has been a recruiting and employment resource for hospitals, health systems, and job seekers alike.

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