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All Posts by Angie Best-Boss RN

About Angie Best-Boss RN

Angie Best-Boss, ASN, BA, MDiv is a psychiatric nurse and freelance writer from the Indianapolis, Indiana area. Angie has three daughters and can usually be found with her nose in a book, crafting or, in warm weather, geocaching.

National Nurse’s Week: What do we really want?

nurses week, nurse day

It’s National Nurses Week and around the country, thousands of break rooms are proudly displaying cupcakes, banners and balloons celebrating the work of 3.1 million nurses in the United States. National Nurses Day was first celebrated for the first time […]

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ACO’s and the Medscape Compensation Report

Physician Compensation and ACO's

The times are a changin’, and this year’s Medscape Compensation Report proves it. The annual report crunches data from more than 24,000 physicians from 25 specialties around the country, and provides a snapshot of the state of physicians’ practices in […]

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Avoid Social Media Sins in Healthcare

How to Avoid Social Media Sins in Healthcare

The minute Laura met Casey, she was smitten. The tow-haired little boy captured her heart as soon as she walked into his hospital room. He seemed so small sitting in his hospital bed, reading to his stuffed rabbit. Laura was […]

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Where Registered Nurses Make the Most Money

Maybe your grandma was right. The key to happiness is to follow your heart. Then again, Grandma probably didn’t have the kind of student loan debt you do. Maybe you should follow your heart in a state where nurses make the […]

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Is Night Shift for You?

You’re a night owl. You like watching the Late, Late Show and you’ve been known to hit the sack just as sunlight streaks across the horizon. If that describes you, you might be a good fit for night shift. Even […]

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Turn Your Clinical Rotation Into a Nursing Job

nurse, nurses

It can be tough to land your first nursing job. According to the National League for Nursing,“the economic recession has flooded the RN market with experienced nurses who were retired, planning to retire, or went from part-time to full-time employment. […]

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NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program Application Cycle Now Open

A smiling nurse with her patient

If you have student debt and are working with an underserved population, the 2015 NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program might be exactly what you are looking for. You might qualify for the opportunity to erase thousands of dollars of debt […]

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