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Employer Branding and Recruitment


Recruiting healthcare candidates today requires strategic use of social media, strong employer branding, and a streamlined application process to attract top talent. Here we examine how this can create an engaging candidate experience that leads to better recruiting outcomes.

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How to Influence the Culture of Your Hospital

photo of people with their hands in, influencing work culture

Each hospital has its own culture, influenced by its history, leadership, and community it serves. Influencing this culture, however, requires more than just understanding; it requires action.

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What Physicians Can Do When Compensation Growth Fails to Match Inflation

inflation salary gap, empty wallet

The gap between physician salaries and inflation is growing every year, leaving many providers to delay retirement and increasing overall burnout. Danielle Kelvas, MD, suggests fighting this wage disparity by advocating for fair compensation, negotiating contracts, and even exploring non-traditional settings.

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Benefits and Important Considerations of Telepsychiatry

key benefits and considerations of telepsychiatry

While convenient, telehealth has its limits in patient care. Telepsychiatry, however, is an accessible approach to mental healthcare as it can be completed entirely virtually. Here are a few of the key considerations and benefits of telepsychiatry.

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Top 10 Blogs of 2023

top 10 articles of 2023

For 11 years HospitalRecruiting has been a professional resource for healthcare job seekers and employers alike. Here are our top-performing articles of 2023.

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Which Specialty is Right for You as a Physician Assistant 

which PA specialty is right for you

With a multitude of options available, choosing a specialty can be a difficult decision for physician assistants. Here we’ll break down some of the most common specialties and why they may or may not be the right choice for you.

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How to Adapt to Working in a New Hospital

adapting to work in a new hospital

Adapting to a new hospital can be difficult for providers who have worked under different healthcare settings. It is important to understand the culture, build relationships, master the systems in place, and utilize your past experience to ensure a smooth transition.

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Key Considerations for Physician Contract Negotiations

physician contract negotiations

Negotiating your physician contract plays a crucial role in ensuring fair compensation, healthy work-life balance, and a favorable work-environment. Here are best practice tips for securing a contract that protects your interests and optimizes your professional career.

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9 Tips for Staying Motivated as a Clinician

9 ways to stay motivated

While rewarding, staying motivated can be difficult in the emotionally-draining world of patient care. Here are some tips to rediscover your passion as a clinician and avoid burnout.

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To Fellowship or not to Fellowship?

to fellowship or not

The decision to pursue a fellowship depends largely on your career goals and the field of medicine you choose to specialize in. Here we’ll explore common concerns and questions physicians have surrounding the necessity of doing a fellowship.

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