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All Posts by Mitchel Schwindt, MD

About Mitchel Schwindt, MD

Dr. Mitchel Schwindt is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who practices in a variety of clinical settings. He completed his residency at Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As part of Michigan State University, Butterworth was renamed Spectrum Health, and is one of the busiest level 1 emergency and trauma centers in the United States. He served as chief resident his final year. While there he was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha, a prestigious medical honor society. He also devoted a significant amount of time working as a flight physician (helicopter) for an aeromedical company.

Dr. Schwindt has served on many committees and steering groups related to health care, quality and process improvement and was a former trauma program medical director. He serves as a volunteer physician for local sporting and martial arts events. He is a consultant and medical advisor to several dental groups and has developed protocols and policies related to medical issues in the dental practice.

Wellness and nutrition are a passionate interest for Dr. Schwindt. He writes extensively on the subject and has published several related books. He is a member of the A4M – The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is currently pursing a functional and sports medicine fellowship.

In his free time, he enjoys competing in triathlons, skiing, water sports, time with family, foreign travel and pursuing entrepreneurial activities.

Tales from the Trenches – A Late Night in the ED

True Tales of Medicine - Late Night in the ER

Tonight began like any other night. I sleepily entered the back door near the trauma bay and was greeted by a man sprinting down the hallway wearing one shoe, tighty-whities, and sporting handcuffs attached to one wrist.

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Golden Hoops – Considering the True Costs of MOC and CME

Counting the True Costs of CME and MOC

I hold out hope that education requirements for doctors will also adapt and consider the cost of continuous and life-long learning. Expensive doesn’t mean better, and the data on the impact of CME requirements and practice competency are lagging. It seems that legislative imperatives and public opinion have found their way into state-mandated education for healthcare professionals. While there may be value, consideration of the real cost for those jumping through these hoops would be appreciated.

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Finding and Working with a Mentor

Finding and Working with a Mentor in Healthcare

Having a mentor can make a massive difference in your career. You will be introduced to influential people outside your circle, rapidly gain knowledge, and accelerate professional development.

Data shows that young professionals who have mentors ultimately have higher career satisfaction, autonomy, and financial reward.

Don’t have a mentor? What are you waiting for?

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The Day After Residency: How to Maximize Your Career in Medicine

Physician Advice for the Day After Residency

Your career in medicine will span several decades. Don’t become complacent and assume what you know now is the best and only option for your patients. Keep a curious mind and push yourself to explore interests and passions; your patients will thank you for it. 

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Practical Thoughts On Pursuing A Partnership Track

Positives and Negatives of Partnership Tracks for Physicians

Most of my friends and colleagues speak highly of their time working in a large group and enjoy the perks of partnership. Enhanced income, profit sharing, camaraderie, entrepreneurial activities outside the hospital, and deep ties to the other physicians in the group are definite benefits…

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How to Turn CME Requirements into Vacation Fun

Making CME Fun for Everyone

Mandatory CME easily reaches 50 hours per year for many physicians. Add in the maintenance of certification requirements for some specialties and the time commitment, and it can turn into a part-time job just keeping up. 

That said, why not make it fun? Most, if not all, CME could turn into a vacation experience if you chose wisely. 

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How Can Physicians Ask For & Get a Raise?

How to Ask for & Get a Raise as a Physician

Physicians often find themselves earning a similar income year after year, or even a bit less. Many struggle through this, but years ago a mentor shared a few tactics to improve the playing field. Some of these options may be intuitive, but without directly asking for an increase in compensation, you will be in the same position twelve months from now. 

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As a Physician These are the Qualities I Value in a Recruiter

Recruiting Tips from a Seasoned Physician

When answers are needed or clarification required, the kind of recruiter I like to work with digs in and finds the honest answers. Fostering a long-term relationship over the quick win is a recipe for mutually beneficial collaboration.

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CME Conferences to Attend in 2018

Physician and Advanced Practitioner Conferences to Attend in 2018

While the options are endless, your time and likely budget are not. Chose wisely. Do your research and ask your colleagues to ensure you are getting the most reward for your time and effort obtaining CME and attending conferences. 

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Why I Still Love Medicine

Why I Am Not Another Burned Out Physician

Even though the media often portrays physicians as burned out and barely hanging on, this is not the reality for most who work in healthcare. Each physician has his or her reasons for choosing medicine, and I wanted to share a few of my own…

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