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Search Results for ‘interview questions’

Making a Great First Interview Impression

leaving a good first interview impression

Your resume and qualifications got your foot in the door, now it’s time to make an impact on the hiring manager. Here are some tips on how to make a stellar first interview impression.

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Job Interview Tips for Physicians

tips for interview questions

Being prepared for your interview can mean the difference between landing your dream job and losing the offer. Enclosed within this article are some interview questions you might expect from your prospective employer, and also questions you should be asking of them to ensure you’re a good fit for the organization.

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How Stay Interviews Help Retain Top Talent

Stay interviews increase employee engagement

Many companies and HR professionals have heard of exit interview – but what about stay interviews? Instead of conducting an interview after it all goes wrong, why not be proactive and gauge your employee’s levels of interest and engagement while they still work with you? This is the purpose of a stay interview

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Interview Tips for New Healthcare Providers

A healthcare provider being interviewed for a job

In this article Dr. Faith Coleman provides some excellent tips about securing an interview, and the interview process, for doctors, nurses, and anyone who is coming out of training and seeking their first new job in healthcare.

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The 9 Don’ts of Interviewing

things not to do in a job interview

There are many helpful guides on what you should be doing during a job interview, but it is equally important to understand what NOT to do in these situations. Here are 9 things you should avoid in any job interview.

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The Dreaded Long-Winded Interviewee

bored interviewer listens to job candidate

All human resources professionals have experienced this at some point during an interview process; the overly energetic and long-winded interviewee. They are certainly eager, but you’re worried you’re going to run out of time if they don’t make their answers concise. Don’t worry, we have provided a helpful guide to getting the most useful information from them quickly.

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Are Exit Interviews Important?

Exit interview forms on HR desk

An employee on their way out from a company may find the last thing they want to do is an exit interview: but why is an exit interview important? For starters, it is when employees can become brutally honest and lay it on all the line without fear of retaliation. Companies can earn some of the most valuable insight by letting employees vent their grievances on their last day.

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How to Ace Your Virtual Interview

Video interview image

There are many ways to make a good impression during a virtual interview. Just as an in-person interview, you’ll want to put your best digital foot forward. A bit of advanced planning can help the technical aspect go smoothly. It can also highlight your professionalism and readiness to work.

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Quitting Your Job in Healthcare

Head of a smart young healthcare provider wearing glasses and smiling. A concrete wall background with two hands offering jobs. A career choice concept

More than ever, it’s important to ask yourself the right questions before making the decision to quit. Here are six questions to help put that decision in perspective.

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Motivational Interviewing for Physician Recruitment

A hand and marker write the text, "motivational interviewing." The article discusses how concepts of motivational interviewing can be incorporated and can benefit physician recruitment

Using the framework of motivational interviewing, recruiters can take the guess work out of interviewing and develop more meaningful assessments of candidates to better align them with opportunities, practice culture, and communities.

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